How to tell if Betta fish is dying

There are several signs that can indicate that a betta fish is dying. we will see common 10 signs that show you betta fish is dying. I have mentioned added solutions for these signs. 

How to tell if betta fish is dying

1. Loss of appetite

If your betta fish is not eating, that's a sign that something is wrong with it. If your betta has never eaten pellets before then you should assume that this is true for all types of food. Try to offer live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworms, etc. If you succeed in getting your fish to eat something then it's most likely that it will be fine. You can also try to grind fresh peas and mix them with the food. This is said to help them get their appetite back quickly.

2. Lethargic behavior

When a betta fish is sick, they tend not to move around very much. One of the most distinctive traits of sick fish is that they just sit on the bottom of the tank, not moving at all. In this case, you should try to net your betta fish and put it in a container with water from its original tank for about 5 minutes or so. 

If your fish perks up after being in the new water, it means that it was just stressed from the move and wasn't really sick. If your fish doesn't show any signs of life after being in the new water, then it's most likely dead.

3. White patches on the body

If you see white patches or streaks on your betta fish's body, it's a sign that it might be suffering from a bacterial infection. If you notice this, then you should immediately change the water in your betta fish's tank and use an anti-bacterial treatment to kill off the bacteria.

4. Excessively red gills

One of the most distinctive signs of a sick betta fish is overly red gills. When betta fish are healthy, their gills should be a darkish red color; but if you see that they are much more red than normal, it's usually a sign of high levels of stress (which often happens when the water conditions aren't right). So if your fish has very red gills then this means that it is most likely sick.

5. Loss of color in the body

One of the most common signs for betta fish is that they lose their color or become slightly discolored. If your betta fish's body turns lighter, it may be because it doesn't have enough energy to maintain its vibrant colors. This can also happen when the water quality isn't right. Make sure you do water changes and check the pH balance, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels in your tank.

6. Scraping against objects or gravel

Normally betta fish swim around quickly and gracefully but if they start scraping themselves up against rocks or other objects in your tank, this may be a sign that they have a disease or are infected with parasites. If you see this behavior, it's important to treat your fish right away.

7. Swimming in circles

If your betta fish starts swimming in circles, it could be a sign that he's disoriented and confused. This may be because the water quality in your tank is poor. Betta fish are labyrinth fish, meaning they breathe air from the surface of the water. So if your betta is suffocating, it may swim in circles until it's dizzy and falls to the bottom of the tank.

8. Loss of balance or swimming upside down

Strangely enough, another sign for betta fish that is very sick is swimming upside down. If your betta fish seems to be struggling with the water, it may swim upside down. Sometimes this happens because of a bacterial infection or parasite that's making your fish very weak. That's why you should try to treat these problems as soon as possible.

9. Clamped fins

If you notice that your betta fish's fins are clamped in a half-open position, they might be having trouble breathing and they may even start to gasp for air. This is most likely because the water in the tank has very low oxygen levels. You should do a 50% water change right away and use an air stone to introduce more oxygen into the tank.

10. Bubbles at the mouth

If you see lots of bubbles coming out of your betta fish's mouth, it might be a sign that he's having trouble breathing. This often happens when the water quality in the tank is poor and the fish is struggling to get enough oxygen. You should do a water change as soon as possible to get rid of the bad water and buy an air stone right away.

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