How to teach your dog how to roll over

In today's post, I am going to tell you that How to teach your dog how to roll over. I have listed below step-by-step instructions. Let's see how to do that. 

Some Important Tips Before Start

  • You have to use high-value rewards, also rewards should be small, soft, and easy to eat quickly.
  • Reward your dog for each small progression
  • Be positive and have fun! use a lot of praise and be patient
  • find the easiest rolling direction for your dog
  • Train in short sessions. you can train two-three minutes once are twice a day is sufficient.
  • Practice on a comfortable surface
  • Train in short sessions. you can train two-three minutes once are twice a day is sufficient.
  • Break the steps into small, easy, and achievable segments.

We can divide the roll-over training into four parts

1. Keep your dog in a Down position

2. Rollover

2. Brief pause

3. Then lure

How to teach your dog how to roll over


You use you can use a toy or Treat and you just simply lure them onto their side. using Treat is the best option. make sure your dog is in a comfortable down position. if not, get the treat right to the dog's nose and bring him into a down position. at this point, you can give the treat. Let your dog have the treat. Then move to the next step.


now you want to roll him over on his side. Do the same step again by taking the treat and putting right on his nose and lifting his head. so that his weight shifts onto his side from there. we're going to take a third treat and we are going to war his head around onto his side. the side that's facing up and if you more slowly enough. he'll start to roll over at that point.


Then wrap his head around to aside. so its weight shifts over and the trick here is to get the treat out away from him. so that he has to roll all the way over to retrieve the treat. that is rollover.

You can use a marker word while doing this training. such as "yes " Good job " you need to keep saying the marker word in every small step your dog is doing with a treat.

You have to do that over and over a long period of time like several days and weeks and after they get really comfortable with the motion then you start adding the command rollover or whatever you want.


I hope you got an idea on How to teach your dog how to roll over easily through this post. Leave your comments and suggestions below.

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